The Swing Set

 In a previous post, I shared how minimalism was starting to change our lives.  After months of getting rid of more and more "stuff," Matt and I wanted to start thinking bigger picture.

We are in a home that we are proud of and that we have made our own.  But there is a lot of space that we don't use (even with adding a child to the mix), and there is a yard that is nearly an acre.  The time and energy spent cleaning and doing lawncare, the money spent on the mortgage (and high taxes in our area) were just starting to lead to questions of.... why?

We began talking about moving.  Why were we paying this much time and energy when we don't have to?  But at the same time, we have a goal to move south again in a few years. Did it really make sense to sell our current home and buy another?  Any savings on a smaller mortgage would likely be wiped out by closing costs when buying the new place.  Was it even worth the effort?

Enter fate/the universe/source energy/God or however else you choose to view these things.  

Our friend Erin randomly texted us about a St Patrick's Day parade that her community was hosting.  We had not seen Erin in probably six months or so at this point.  But the parade would happen right during our son's naptime, so we couldn't make it work.  However, we were able to plan a last-minute meet up that night at our favorite brewery.  

While there, Erin and her husband mentioned that they were buying a home.  They currently rent a townhome that her parents own, and were now going to be looking for new tenants.  As we had this discussion, nothing really clicked for me.  Matt and I had home purchases on the brain, not renting.  But as we drove home that night, I had a huge "a-ha" moment:  Selling our home and renting their family's townhome could be the perfect plan that we never thought of!

1) Right now, it is a total sellers' market.  Homes are going fast and for great prices (for sellers).  We stand a strong chance at making a profit that can be set aside for a down payment on our next house, whenever/wherever that may be.
2) Renting allows us to avoid closing costs on a new home.  It also gives us MUCH better flexibility when we do decide that the time is right to move.
3) In addition to hopefully setting aside money from the sale of our home, renting their townhome be $500 less per month than our current mortgage.  (!!!!!)

We texted Erin the idea and she loved it too.  It would be a huge win for her parents to have us rent their townhome, as they know Matt and I and trust us.  They don't have to worry about some weirdos coming in and destroying the place.  Erin and I planned for Matt and I to come over the next day to come look at the place and make sure it would work before we considered things to be official.

And here is the second time that fate/the universe/source energy/God stepped in.  

As Matt and I were hanging out that night, I had a vision of Erin and Dave showing us around the townhome the next day, and having the following conversation come up:

"Over there is the swing set.  But don't worry, it is staying here.  Hudson will be able to use it whenever he wants!"

I felt electrocuted by this vision, and told Matt about it.  He laughed a bit, so I recorded a video about it for proof.  If that conversation happened, we would know that was our sign to trust this was the right move.  I didn't even know if Erin and Dave had a swing set.

Fast forward to the next day.  We go see the townhome.  It is beautiful.  Erin and Dave had replaced all carpeting, flooring and windows when they moved in 3 years prior.  And Erin's color palette for paint is the exact same as mine.  Most of our current furniture will fit just right in their space, and with some more minimalizing, it will be the perfect space.

But then Dave points out the window.  He mentioned how we hadn't gotten outside yet, but they have a pool that they are relocating to their new house.  And then it happened.

"Over there (pointing) is the swing set.  But don't worry, it is staying here.  Hudson will be able to use it whenever he wants!"

Are you freaking kidding me?  

Matt and I played it cool.  We both wanted the chance to talk to each other before blurting out to Dave that we would definitely be renting their townhome.  For me, it was a done deal, but I didn't want to assume Matt felt the same.  But when we got in the car and were driving away, Matt confessed that he felt overwhelmed by how pointed and direct and clear

to me the vision had been the night before.  There is not a rational explanation.  I am so glad I recorded the whole thing, because I have re-watched it multiple times to reinforce that yes, that really happened!

So, needless to say, we are selling our home.  Others have been surprised by the speed at which things are happening, but we don't have a doubt in our minds.  We can't wait to see our son playing on that swing set soon.
